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    Unit 2 Health and Fitness Reading and writing 教案-2022-2023學年中職高一下學期英語高教版(2021)基礎模塊2

    發(fā)布日期:2023-03-30  來源:  瀏覽次數(shù):439

                  Reading and Writing教案


    1. ss can understand the questions about health.

    2. ss can make up the information about health and finish the mind map.

    3. ss can make a conclusion about learning skills.


    Ss can skim the text and master the key words and phrases.


    Before class

    Answer the questions like this

    1How long can you take a walk every day?

    2Do you wash your clothes by hands?

    3How many hours do your eyes glue to your phone every day?


                  Reading and Writing教案


    1. ss can understand the questions about health.

    2. ss can make up the information about health and finish the mind map.

    3. ss can make a conclusion about learning skills.


    Ss can skim the text and master the key words and phrases.


    Before class

    Answer the questions like this

    1How long can you take a walk every day?

    2Do you wash your clothes by hands?

    3How many hours do your eyes glue to your phone every day?



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